The CWC meeting held at Patna on 11-12, November 2017 decided to hold the next All India conference of AIBSNLPWA at Puri, Odisha in September 2018. It is assessed that around 1500 Delegates will attend the AIC.
Being old, all the delegates have to be provided some room accommodation for four days with toilet facilities. One day before the conference and one day after. Conference will be for two days. Lodgings and other expenses will cost about Rs 24 lakh. Food expenses can be met with the delegate fee collected from Delegates and Visitors.
DELEGATE FEE.....For the last AIC it was Rs 800 per head.This time it will be Rs 1000 per head.
NUMBER OF DELEGATES:..... As per our Constitution, a district branch (Base unit) can send one delegate for every 50 members or part thereof. The membership of each branch will be calculated as
No. of Life members as on 31-3-2018 + three years’ average annual membership based on quota received by CHQ.
Annual membership Quota (Rs 25 per head for the financial year of April 2015 to March 2016), Rs 20 per head for the financial year of 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 shall be taken into account. CHQ will calculate the membership after 31-3-2018 and circulate.
PURI IS THE ATTRACTION:... Since the AIC is to be held in the temple city of Puri, large number of pensioners may be waiting to attend it. But we can not put too much burden on the Reception Committee. Hence, branches have to restrict the number as per constitution. Ensure that all branches pay the quota well in time so as to reach the CHQ before 31-3-2018.
This is advance information.
There is enough time.
Courtesy CHQ web