Implementation of 7th Pay Commission: No Proposal to increase Fitment factor, Notifications to be issued shortly – FM
ON 21-7-2016, in a written reply to a Question raised by Shri Neeraj Shekhar MP regarding Increasing Fitment Factor , the Finance Minister informed that no such proposal is under consideration of the Government. Further he stated that since the Govt accepted the recommendation of 7th Pay Commission,requisite notifications for implementation of 7th CPC recommendations are being issued shortly.
Our Head Quarter branch held a general body meeting today, 21-7-2016 in New Delhi.
Com. Natarajan (GS), Com. Vittoban (Treasurer), Com. G L Jogi (Chairman SNEA) and Com. K Sebastian (GS SNEA) addressed the meeting.
Few photos

Today, Com. G Natarajan, GS met Smt Sujata Ray, Director (HR) of BSNL along with Com. T S Vittoban, Treasurer.
GS requested to endorse the two important orders; 1) DoP&PW order de-linking condition of 33 years for full pension to pre-2006 pensioners. 2) The DoT order of 18-7-2016 on 78.2% benefit to pensioners.
Director said that it is being done and she instructed the concerned officer to issue the endorsements immediately.
After lot of persuasion and discussions, the Department of Telecom accepted our plea for extending the benefit of 78.2% to BSNL retirees for revision of our pension. A proposal in this regard was sent to Department of Pension on 29-10-2013. After two months, the Department of Pension approved the said proposal with one condition that permission should be taken also from Department of Expenditure under Ministry of Finance.
Accordingly the proposal was submitted to DOE on 11-1-2014. After few days Com. Chhidu Singh went DOE and met the Director there. The Director told that his office did not receive any file from DoT. Chhidu Singh came back to Sanchar Bhavan and enquired. DoT people informed that the file was sent by hand. With the permission of Director (Estt), Chhidu Singh took the Group D employee who delivered the file in DOE. Then DOE people admitted that it was received but same was misplaced in their office. Once again Chhidu Singh came back to Sanchar Bhavan, took duplicate copies of the documents and he himself delivered the same to the Director in DOE.
That was Com. Chhidu Singh. Nobody else could have done such work. Others, sitting in Delhi permanently and claiming now all the credit for 78.2% did not know this. They were reporting the movement of the File. While we were moving the File from one table to another, from one office to another.
We remember late Com. Chhidu Singh for his systematic work and dedicated service.
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