Thursday, 16 October 2014

78.2% IDA Merger- Status quo


78.2 CASE

Our CHQ is receiving frantic enquiries from many quarters on the issue. Hence, this posting.

On 5th September 2014, in the SCOVA meeting, the Department of Expenditure gave a categorical assurance that

they would convey their views on the proposal from DoT WITHIN ONE WEEK.

Now, 40 days have passed after that. DoE has not yet conveyed their views to DoT.

Why? We do not know why DoE is withholding the File.

Com. Chhidu Singh is making constant efforts. Let DoE give their views, this way or the other.

Why should they delay it?

When we get definite information, we will convey to all through this Website.

Be patient. We will get it. Nobody can deny it.

Some buraucrats can delay it. They can do that much harm to the pensioners.

P S Ramankutty

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